Almanca Telaffuz Rehberi- Almanca Dilbilgisini Öğrenmekte Kullanabileceğiniz Diyaloglar - Diyalogların Ses Kayıtlarını Iiçeren CD’Ler- 20.000’I Aşkın Almanca Sözcük ve Türkçe Karşılıkları- Almanca Dilbilgisinin Ayrıntılı Açıklaması ve Konularla ilgili araştırmalar- Almanca-Türkçe Sözcük Ezberlemekte..
Ürün Adı: Rusça Türkçe Türkçe Rusça Konuşma Kılavuzu Dilbilgisi 1 Kitap 2 CDÜrün Kodu: 9789758406449Yazar: B. Orhan DoğanBasım Yılı: 2009Kapak Türü: KutuSayfa Sayısı: 530Kağıt Cinsi: 1. HamurÇevirmen:..
Ürün Adı: Hızlı Kolay Almanca Konuşma Kılavuzun Dilbilgisi Sözlük Karekod'luÜrün Kodu: 9789758406104Yazar: Metin YurtbaşıBasım Yılı: 2002Kapak Türü: KutuSayfa Sayısı: 440Kağıt Cinsi: 1. HamurÇevirmen:..
Detayli Türkçe AnlatimKonularla Ilgili Yüzlerce Çözümlü SoruBinlerce Örnek TümceKPDS, ÜDS Deneme SinavlariSik Kullanilan Özel DeyimlerIngilizce’de Sik Rastlanan Hatalar ve Düzeltilmis HalleriKPDS, YDS, ÜDS Deneme Sinavlarini Içeren Test CD’siÜrün Adı: Systematic English Grammar - İngilizce Dil Bilgi..
Almanca Dil Bilgisi´nin tüm ayrmtilarmi Türkçe Dil Bilgisi ile karsilastirarak ögreten essiz bir rehber kitap.Anlamakta zorlanilan konularda basite indirgenmis, detayli Türkçe anlatim.Binlerce örnek cümle ve alistirma; kitapta ögretilen tlOO´ü askm sözcükten olusan Almanca - Türkçe sözlük ve tüm bun..
Dil, milletin ortak nefes alip verdigi genis bir sistemdir. Bu sistem hayatimizin her anini kusatir. Ruhumuzun ve gönlümüzün diriligini ve aydinligini saglar. Dilin, bu görevi yerine getirebilmesi için, gerek yazida ve gerekse konusmada dogru, kurallara uygun, düzenli ve güzel kullanilmasi gerekir...
This book is designed for English-speaking students of any age who set out to learn modern Turkish for social, business and casual purposes in adult environments. It aims to give you a solid foundation on which to build, so that you can recognize, understand and begin to use the basic patterns of mo..
Dünya Saglik Örgütü tarafindan gelismis ve gelismekte olan ülkelerde sürdürülen saglikta dönüsüm projelerinin ortak hedefi her sene daha çok artan saglik harcamalarina mali kaynak saglayabilmektedir. Bir saglik isletmesinin hizmet faaliyetlerini nitelikli, etkili ve verimli sürdürebilmesi saglik hiz..
- Reading - Okuma- Listening - Dinleme- Comprehension - Anlama- Vocabulary - SözcüklerSpordan Sinamaya,Politikadan Fikralara,Her alandan seçilen Çok Sayida Ilginç konuParsalarin Ses Kayitlari ve Türkçe ÇevirileriSözcüklerin Türkçe Karsiliklari ve OkunuslariÜrün Adı: Let's Speak English Book 2Ürün Ko..
Evlenme süreci ve evlilik iliskisi hukuk alaninda medeni hukukçularin, diger sosyal bilimlerde ise daha çok sosyologlarin ve bir ölçüde de sosyal psikologlarin ilgi alanina denk düsen bir konu, olarak incelenmistir. Aslinda hukuk sosyolojisinin de alanina giren bu konuda daha önce bu kapsamda baska ..
Telif hakki, eserlere iliskin mülkiyet üzerindeki manevi ve mali haklardan ibarettir. Fikri mülkiyet ise, eser sahibinin yaratmis oldugu ürünün, bizzat eser sahibinin kendisine ait bir mülkiyet oldugu fikrine dayanmaktadir. Eser sahibinin eseri üzerindeki söz konusu haklar ise, telif hakki kanunlari..
Enformasyon Merkezi Nasil Kurulur isimli bu kitap sayesinde enformasyon uzmani, enformasyon merkezi kurmak Isteyen kurum yöneticisiyle yapacagi Ilk görüsmeden enformasyon merkezini kurma islemini tamamlayincaya kadar geçen süreci adim adim ögrenecektir.Enformasyon uzmani olmayanlar ise kitabin üçünc..
Bu kitapta dersler menü sirasi gözetilerek takip edilmistir. îlk bölüm genel bir bilgi niteliginde olup diger her bölüm bir photoshop menusunu içermektedir. Photoshop ile ilgili merak ettiginiz bir menü veya bir islem büyük bir ihtimalle kitabimizda anlatilmistir. Bu nedenle kitabimizi ansiklopedi g..
Bu çalismada, Hakîm Süleyman Ata'nin manevi sahsiyeti etrafinda olusturulan menkibevi hayatiyla iç içe bulunan hayati, ailesi, egitimi, terbiyesi, müritligi, mürsitligi ve faaliyetlerini konu alan on iki menkibenin bulundugu Hakim Ata Kitabi ele alindi. Bu eser üzerinde bilinen ilk çalisma K.G. Zale..
Up these are possible only in the Neverland. Peter Pan comes to the DarlIngs' nursery öne night and teaches Wendy John and MIchael to fly. Soon ne takes them to this dreamlike island. They have strange adventures with redskins wild animals and mermaids but the most exciting ones with pirates. Hook t..
Heidi is the story of a lovely little girl. it has been öne of th favourite books for över 100 years. She loves to live with her grandfather and to be wrth her friends İn the mountaîns. But what happens if she goes to live în a big city? What is waîting for her? You will laugh and cry with Heidi as ..
You are going to find yourself in the distraction of reading the story of a group of people struggling to find an amazing treasure, and what they experienced during their voyage. One of the most popular and absorbing adventure novels of all times is now in simplified English, for all of you to read ..
KIDNAPP claim his inheritance, his relative first tries to murder him. Then he has him shipped off to be sold as a slave In the colonies. Fortunately for the lad he mahes a friendship with Alan Breck escaping from Bonnie, Prince Cfiarlie's defeat at Cuitudon. When the ship's captain tries to kül Bre..
William Crimsworth tries to release from the social bondage of his family. After trying several jobs, he becomes a professor. Ttıen his life changes rapidly both academically and romantically. Even he could not imagine what has happened to his life.Ürün Adı: Level 6 - The ProfessorÜrün Kodu: 9789758..
The life of a boy who waits for his love and happiness. He meets Maqwitch MIss Havisham and Estelia. And those people become the center of his life even when he is grown up. This story will make you constder your expectations from life.Ürün Adı: Level 4 - Great ExpectationsÜrün Kodu: 9789758406777Ya..
Elinor and Marİanne Dashwood are sisters both of which are intelligent, sensitive, charming, and beautiful. in this brilliant story, Jane Austen explores two different ways of thmking, the 'sense' of Elinor and the 'sensibility' of Marİanne. Elinor values propriety and common sense; she is prudent a..
Clarissa Daltoway İs giving a party. Yet, her thoughts and feelings are stuck between her past and today. Her fırst lover Peter Walsh's visit makes Clarissa consider her marriage and life; while soon after the ist World War Septimus Warren Smİth kills himself to offer a tragedy for others who don't ..
The most amazing book ever written. King Solomons Mines is Allan Quatermains account of his explorations with Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good. Following an ancient map, the adventurers set out from South Africa, to travel into wilderness, and to seek Sir Henrys lost brother. For months, they cross..
WIIt Anne who Is the protagonist of the story act with her inner voice ör with the voices around herself VVIII she accept love of Captain Wentworth Ör will she reject him again as she did seven years ag oÜrün Adı: Level 6 - PersuasionÜrün Kodu: 9789758406722Yazar: Jane AustenBasım Yılı: 2007Kapak Tü..
JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTHA courageous scientist heads a dangerous expedition İnto the swelterinq centre of the planet from a volcano. Joined by his nephew and an İcelander guîde, the team constantly face danger in their journey. Besides the wonders and beauties of the underworld, they encou..
Friday moved back running and he began to yell loudly. 'Master Master! Frightful! Very terrible, the cannibals!' 'What's up Friday?' I asked. 'THere...there, one, two, three canoe!' 'Well, Friday, you shouldn't be afraid of them.' I heartened him as possible as l could. He was so trembling that l in..
The four daughters of the March famtly Meg Jo Beth and Amy live vvith their mother and ttiey feel sorry for their father's absence. Life is not easy for them since they are not rith. But stili they don't give up. Altough they are very young. they do their besi io help each other to earn money and to..
Everyone in Paris was talking about ihe ghost at the Opera who was so mysterious and could not be seen. The managers and the lovers suffered from the Phantom but unable to solve the mystery behind It. You will want to solve the mystery behind the unusual events fay passing through the secret corrido..
The Strange Case OfDr. Jekyll And Mr. HydeHave you ever thought that you have more than öne character Have you ever wanted to revive the otherThis story explains afi possibilities and possible outcomes of this with a distinctive look to science fiction.Ürün Adı: Level 5 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeÜrün..
The women are oppressed by the social expectations that prevail in Middlemarch. They are expected to cater to and remaîn dependent on their husbands. But Dorothea is subjected to some social ideals of what women should be. This is a tale of idealism, disillusion, loyalty and frusîrated love. Dorothe..